To Be Seen
For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16
One of the greatest gifts the world has ever known was the birth of Jesus Christ. His love covers all of our insecurities, our mistakes, our misdirection’s and guides us to beautiful rivers of acceptance and forgiveness. He willingly came into our brokenness and offered the sweet salve of peace and salvation through relationship with Him. He came to us. He knew we were in need and had a plan.
ICU Mobile has a plan. A plan for women who have questions about their pregnancies, women who need understanding and who need a friend. Acting as the hands and feet of Jesus on the wheels of their mercy medical units, they also come to our world; our places where we are in need. Working with a local pregnancy center in the area, ICU Mobile finds its way to us; they heed the call. They meet us where we are in our personal journeys without any judgment, no awkward silences or disappointing glances. Only love.
I was once like so many of the women that ICU Mobile serves. Although I didn’t have a surprise pregnancy, I did have a very unplanned parenting path that included me being marginalized overnight and an ex-husband in jail. I was so young and afraid. I was embarking on a life journey that I had no way to navigate. No compass to show me the direction to go. I felt like the world was coming at me like a tsunami, and I didn’t have any life jackets for us. I didn’t have a job, or any college education. I was looking at a life that seemed to be filled with uphill battles, struggles with my children’s father, and not being able to pay the bills. When I thought of my future, I was depressed and overwhelmed. I knew that there were services out there for women like me, but I had no idea how to find them. Honestly, I didn’t have any time to try to find them. I was so busy doing life and trying to make sure the pantry was stocked with mac and cheese and peanut butter. At night, I was so physically drained and emotionally depleted I could barely keep my eyes open. I didn’t think I would be able to handle this situation. How can I raise my children if I can’t even take care of myself?
It’s places like ICU Mobile that come and fill in the gaps. When you walk into a mobile unit, you won’t find a cold and impersonal atmosphere. You’ll find warmth of community and feel the support of relationship in a state-of-the-art capacity with certified physicians and nurses. ICU Mobile staff treats all clients with respect and dignity in their sensitive life circumstances. They understand and they are available to discuss your pregnancy questions (and provide ultrasounds), but also so many other topics that may be going through your mind. They have real answers. And, it’s not the type of answers that lead to more questions. It’s the type of answers that lead to solutions and creating a life plan that we can follow toward overcoming whatever may come our way. ICU Mobile can connect you to the organizations within your community that can support your needs from basic (like food and shelter) to more complex needs like long-term financial support and job placement. They are our advocates; they fight for us. We all need someone in our corner. I know, I did.
The name itself says it all: ICU Mobile literally means I SEE YOU. To be seen and accepted as we truly are is a beautiful thing. It tears down cultural, socioeconomic, and ethnicity walls. You are uniquely you. If you are uncertain about what to do with your pregnancy, and you want to be more than a number, more than just a face in a crowd, come be seen by ICU Mobile.
“You can't stay in your corner of the forest waiting for others to come to you. You have to go to them sometimes.” –A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh
Shannon is the author of The Bounce-Back Woman, Ignite, and Single Moms 101. Along with being an author and speaker, Shannon is a featured contributor of Keep the Faith radio. She also writes for Lifeway's HomeLife magazine and other various publications including as Crosswalk and
Published on Wednesday, May 27, 2020 @ 6:04 PM EDT