Who We Are

ICU Mobile is a national pro-life ministry supporting a fleet of mobile medical units across the country. The ministry was founded in 2004 on the single premise of going to women in need of support while struggling with an unintended pregnancy and considering abortion.

While many of these women may feel hesitant to approach a pregnancy center, ICU Mobile provides them with a convenient and inviting space where they can access free pregnancy tests and ultrasounds.

By sharing the life that she carries inside her and building a relationship to help her support that life, ICU Mobile is able to serve women in their deepest time of need, save the lives of their children, and share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with thousands of families across the country.

Our Mission: Serving Women, Saving Lives, and Sharing Christ—with each person that enters an ICU Mobile Unit.

Our Story

ICU Mobile began in 2004 in Akron, Ohio. Founder Sylvia Slifko began praying for a way to reach abortion-minded women who avoided pregnancy centers and felt God’s call to “go to the women.” Partnering with pregnancy centers to provide easy access to ultrasound technology in communities of need allowed ICU Mobile to give women an opportunity to see their child and hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Instead of waiting for women in need of support to come to them, ICU Mobile decided to go to the women—breaking down barriers of tension and opening the door for personal connections of love and support. Today, the Fleet for Little Feet is serving thousands across the country.

Since 2013, ICU Mobile has seen over 21,000 decisions for life and over 1,600 decisions for Christ on the mobile units. ICU Mobile is the most effective way to reach women contemplating abortion because we go to them.

Our Mission: Serving Women, Saving Lives, and Sharing Christ—through word and deed—with each person that steps on an ICU Mobile Unit.


Our Vision

As we focus on serving women, saving lives, and sharing Christ, our clarified vision is to glorify God through serving our affiliates with mobile units in the top areas of abortion. 

We do all things with our focus on John 10:10, to help fulfill the Lord's promise of full life in Christ for all His children.

"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." - John 10:10

Since 2013, over 21,000 women have chosen life on the mobile fleet and over 1,600 have found a new life in Christ!

Statement of Faith

God has given us a set of values and principles that help to guide us in our mission to serve women, save lives, and share Christ. The following beliefs and supporting scriptures serve as clear, defined filters for our ministry heart and operations.

We believe in one God [Deut. 6:4] who is the all-powerful, all-knowing and all present Creator, eternally existing in three persons: God the Father, His son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.
[Matt. 6:9; 2Cor. 1:3; John 8:58; John 1:1, 18; Acts 5:3-4; 1Cor. 2:10-11]

We believe that the Bible is the fully inspired, inerrant Word of God and that it has authority over our lives. [2Tim. 3:16; 1Pet. 1:21]

We believe in the full deity and humanity of Jesus Christ and that He is God’s son. He was conceived of the Holy Spirit, born of a virgin, performed miracles, and led a sinless life. He made atonement for the sins of the world by dying on the cross. He conquered death three days later, appeared before many witnesses, and later ascended to Heaven. Jesus Christ will someday return to the earth, judge the world, and establish His kingdom forever. [Phil. 2:6-7; John 5:16-27; Heb. 4:15; 1John 2:2; John 20; 1Cor. 15:4-6; Acts 1; Is. 9:7; Luke 1:33; Rev. 5:9]

We believe every person is created in the image of God.[Gen. 1:26-27]

We believe that all have sinned and are, as a consequence, eternally separated from and condemned by God. Out of love and mercy, God gave up His own son Jesus Christ as a sacrifice to redeem mankind from the bondage and penalty of sin.

We believe salvation is exclusively obtained from believing and trusting in the atoning death and resurrection of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins. Salvation is a free gift of God’s grace. Those who receive the gift of salvation will dwell eternally with God. [Rom. 3:23; Eph. 2:1-3; 1Pet. 3:18; Acts 4:12; Eph. 2:8]

We believe all those that have put their trust in Jesus Christ as their Savior make up the Church, the uni?ed body of Christ. The Mission of the Church is to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ and make disciples of all nations. [Rom. 12:5; Matt. 28:19]