Monday, May 6, 2024 12:55 PM

Faithful Escapes: Strengthening Family Bonds on Summer Vacation

Monday, May 6, 2024 12:55 PM
Monday, May 6, 2024 12:55 PM

Summer vacations are a cherished tradition for many families that provides an opportunity for relaxation, exploration, and making memories. For Christian families, vacations present unique ways to connect with faith in new ways and give back to the communities you visit. Here’s a guide on how to make the most of your family vacations both spiritually and socially, along with tips on recharging and reconnecting when you return home.

Connecting with Local Churches While on Vacation

One enriching way to keep your faith central during vacation is by connecting with local churches at your travel destination. This can provide continuity in your worship practices. Here are a few tips on how to find local congregations:

  1. Research Before You Go: Look up local church services online prior to your trip. Most churches post service times and special events on their websites.
  2. Ask for Recommendations: Use social media groups or church networks to get recommendations for congregations in the area you're visiting.
  3. Attend a Local Service: Make plans to attend at least one service. This is a great way to meet local believers and sustain your relationship with Jesus while on the road.

Giving Back to the Community

Vacations don’t have to be just about leisure. They can also be an opportunity to serve. Participating in local outreach or community service projects can greatly enrich your family's experience.

  1. Volunteer: Look for local organizations that welcome short-term volunteers. Reach out to  local pregnancy resource centers or foster care organizations to see how you can help for a few hours one day.
  2. Support Local Businesses: Choose to support local artisans and small businesses to help boost the local economy.
  3. Leave a Positive Impact: Teach your children about the importance of kindness and generosity by leaving a positive impact wherever you go.

Maintaining Spiritual Practices

Keeping up with Bible study and journaling can be challenging on the road, but with a bit of planning, it can become a rewarding part of your journey.

  1. Set Aside Time: Dedicate a specific time each day for bible study and prayer. Early morning or late evening can be ideal times for quiet reflection and study. Meal times might even be a good time when everyone is together and receiving nourishment.
  2. Pack Smart: Bring travel-sized Bibles, devotionals, and journals. Alternatively, utilize apps and eBooks if you prefer digital options.
  3. Involve Everyone: Make Bible study and journaling a family activity. Challenge each other to find and share scripture on the topics of hospitality, going on a journey, and staying connected to Jesus.
  4. Listen: Download a few faith-based podcasts for the family to listen to while driving. This is a great way to encourage conversation about the topic you heard together.

Sustain Your Connection to Your Home Church

Being away from your home church doesn’t mean you have to feel disconnected. Here’s how to maintain that vital connection:

  1. Stay in the Know: Keep up with your home church’s activities through social media updates or emails.
  2. Engage Remotely: If available, watch your church’s services online. This can be a great option if you’re unable to visit a church in your vacation spot. 

Recharging After Vacation

Returning home from vacation often comes with the challenge of returning to your usual routine. Here are some ways to ease that transition:

  1. Take a Rest Day: If possible, allow for a day of rest at home before jumping back into your usual schedules. Use this time to unpack and reflect on your experiences.
  2. Share Your Experiences: Encourage each family member to share a highlight from the trip during family meals or devotions. 
  3. Take a Poll: Ask your children if there’s something you did on vacation that you’d like to do more often at home. You might be surprised at what impacted them!
  4. Plan for Routine: Gradually ease back into your normal routines. It can be helpful to be more relaxed about bedtimes, meal times, and other routines for a few days after getting back home.

Vacations are meant for exploration, relaxation, and time away with family, but they don’t have to be a time to leave your faith life behind. Your time away can be meaningful in how you grow both personally and spiritually in new settings. Being intentional will ensure that your time away from home is spiritually enriching for your family. Whether you connect with a local church, serve  others, or simply continue daily devotions, your vacation can be a great example to your children that Jesus is with us wherever we go.


Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path. -Psalms 119:105


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