One of the most important, and glaringly missing, aspects of unplanned pregnancy is mentoring and preparing men for fatherhood.
The fact is, women don’t have an easy escape like men do. A man literally just needs to walk away and he’s done. It’s far from fair and there is nothing that can be done about it. God gave each of us free will in any situation we face.
When we share the Gospel with the women who visit our mobile units and they make a decision for Christ, not only do we rejoice in their salvation but also in the new relationship they will develop with their Heavenly Father. So many women have father wounds and when they find themselves with an unplanned pregnancy, it digs that much deeper if their baby’s father has chosen to leave.
Boys must be raised up as men who stay, even when it’s difficult. Men must be offered resources to educate themselves on fatherhood, on responsibility, and on the permanency of a woman’s decision. They need mentors and examples of strong male leaders at home and in life. Innocent babies are paying the ultimate price for the lack of men who are willing to stand up for their children.
Until we see a shift in how men are encouraged to handle their role in an unplanned pregnancy, our priority is always on the women whose lives are changed when they meet their Heavenly Father. The Holy Spirit in them helps them to understand the realness of their Abba, Father.
Father’s Day can be bitter, bittersweet, or a wonderful celebration depending on our experience of our earthly fathers. But when one can receive and pursue a relationship with our Heavenly Father, it becomes a bond that cannot be broken under any circumstances. There are no limits or conditions placed on being adopted into the family of God. Hallelujah!
The Spirit you received does not make you slaves, so that you live in fear again; rather, the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship. And by him we cry, “Abba, Father.” - Romans 8:15
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Published on Thursday, June 17, 2021 @ 3:12 PM EDT