Monday, December 12, 2022 4:19 PM

5 Ways to Handle the Pro-life Conversation with Your Kids

Monday, December 12, 2022 4:19 PM
Monday, December 12, 2022 4:19 PM

If your children rarely hear you talk about the abortion issue, they’re likely not prepared for interactions with classmates or teachers who might not share your values when it comes to human life. As parents, how do you go from not talking about it to ensuring they understand your views and are prepared to handle confrontation about it? Here are five ways to start having meaningful conversations with your children about their beliefs:

  1. Know your values.

It’s important to know what you believe about life and why. This will help you share your stance in a clear way that makes sense to your children. You may need to explain the process of a baby developing inside the mother. Talk about how life begins at conception. 

The Bible is a great way to help your children understand the sanctity of life. The Bible is full of stories that teach us about God's love for every person and the value He places on each one. 

  1. Make it personal.

It's not always easy for kids to understand these serious issues, but if you can make things personal for them by sharing your own or friend’s experiences with adoption or miscarriage, you'll be able to share your view on abortion in a more effective way. 

If someone has been adopted into your family, talk about that person and how much he means to everyone else. If there was a miscarriage, talk about how sad this loss of life is and that all babies are created for a purpose, even in miscarriage.

  1. Look for teachable moments.

When it comes to the topic of abortion, there are many opportunities to have this conversation with your kids. You can begin by asking them about their thoughts or feelings on abortion or simply ask them if their friends are talking about it or if they’ve seen things online.

By gently incorporating the conversation at logical times, it will feel more natural and your child may feel more open to talking about it. 

  1. Be prepared for resistance. 

Most children will resist talking about things that make them uncomfortable or feel like a subject is being forced on them. If your child does resist discussing their thoughts and feelings about abortion, don't force them into having such conversations. Instead, look for other teachable moments when you could talk more openly about this sensitive subject.

  1. You want to make sure your kids understand the sanctity of human life in all its stages.

You want them to know that a fetus is still a person, just like you and me. Your child may not be able to fully grasp everything you say, but at least they'll have an idea of what's going on. The more comfortable you are discussing the topic, the better able they'll be to understand later on when they're older and more mature.

Abortion isn’t an appropriate topic for all ages. You know when your child is ready for that conversation. Until they are ready, you can impact their views on the sanctity of life through positive talk about each of us as God’s children. 

Let them hear you talk about scripture that describes God’s purpose for us; let them hear you talk about the blessing of babies and what a joy children are; let them see you donate diapers and formula for women’s shelters so they know babies needs should be cared for; and let your children know that they’ve made a beautiful difference in your life. 

Positive conversations around life are an impactful way to build up the next pro-life generation.

Monday, December 12, 2022 4:17 PM

Self Care Isn't a Catch Phrase

Monday, December 12, 2022 4:17 PM
Monday, December 12, 2022 4:17 PM

You've heard this so many times, but it's always true: self-care is important. It's not something that should be done once a week or when you're feeling particularly low. Self-care doesn't have to be something that costs money or requires a lot of time either. If anything, you should try to make it as easy as possible on yourself because making time for yourself is important and you don’t want self-care to feel like one more thing on your to-do list!

Self-care is an ongoing process that requires consistent practice to be effective. Think of self-care as the foundation of your wellness routine—one that should be built up over time so that it becomes the solid base from which all other aspects of your life are built.

Self-care doesn't have to be something that costs money or requires a lot of time.

Self-care isn't just a catchphrase or trendy phrase. It's a way of life that can be as simple as taking a walk and listening to music while you do it. Self-care doesn't have to be expensive, nor does it require a lot of time.

Self-care can come in many forms, but what matters most is your willingness to make self-care an integral part of your routine. You can’t take care of others if you don’t take care of yourself first. If you are constantly giving and giving and giving, with no attention to your own needs, burnout is inevitable. 

Take time to reflect on what makes you happy and fulfilled in life (it might just be spending time with your dog). What are your hobbies? How do they make you feel? Do they remind you of something positive from the past or help bring out skills or talents that make them enjoyable? If they do, consider how these activities could be incorporated into your life so that they become part of your rhythm again.

Self-care doesn't mean neglecting your responsibilities and obligations as a parent, student, employee, or friend. Self-care isn't selfish. It's about making sure that we are able to carry out our responsibilities at our highest ability possible! 

In reality, self-care is about gaining an understanding of yourself and your needs. It's not just about being kind to yourself, but also about taking care of yourself — your physical health in addition to your mental health. The two go hand-in-hand; you can't neglect one without affecting the other.

Here is one way you can practice true self-care:

  • Practice good sleep hygiene by carving out time for relaxation before bed each night and keeping electronics out of the bedroom (or at least keep them at arm's length). Try reading a book instead — chances are it'll be more relaxing than scrolling through Instagram!

Self-care is not a one-time thing. It's not a luxury, and it's certainly not selfish. Sometimes all it takes is reminding yourself that you're important too!

Thursday, September 29, 2022 11:16 AM

Embracing the Church

Thursday, September 29, 2022 11:16 AM
Thursday, September 29, 2022 11:16 AM

Church is not just a building where we go on Sundays. It's not just the people who go to church, and it certainly isn't only answering the question of "Are you going to church this weekend?" with a yes or no. Church is something that you embrace. It is an attitude, a lifestyle, and an idea of what it means to live as followers of Christ.

It is a community where believers gather together regularly in order to support each other and encourage one another in their faith (1 Corinthians 14:26).

Church should be about serving God by serving others (Matthew 25:35-36), and being willing to help those in need regardless if they are part of our congregation or not (Luke 10:25-37).

Over the past couple years, many of us stopped going to church in person, we ceased our volunteer work, and we pressed pause on our fellowship practices. It became commonplace to watch services online, meet with small groups via Zoom, and we achieved quite a comfort level with not being in the same room with each other. These options for worship were a blessing, but leaving your comfort zone is a must if you want to make progress in your spiritual life.

As a Christian, it's important to remember that our job is not just to grow ourselves, but also to help others grow as well. If all we did was focus on ourselves, it wouldn’t be so bad to enjoy church from our living room sofa, but we'd miss out on many opportunities for personal growth and transformation, and we'd fail to reach people around us with the good news of Christ's love and grace.

We’ve come full circle and it’s time to leave your comfort zone behind when it comes to your faith life. Leave it behind when you're serving others; leave it behind when you're learning more about God; leave it behind when you're helping someone else learn more about God; leave it behind when striving for holiness (which requires cutting out sin from our lives). Leave your comfort zone for the sake of returning to the church body that sustains each other. 

Embracing church will help you get plugged into a community of believers that will build you up and keep you on the right path. God created us for relationship and community. The believer’s experience has so much more depth when we pursue God alongside our brothers and sisters in Christ. It allows us to have others around us when we’re struggling, and for us to give back to them in their time of need. Of course, we all need these relationships and encouragement even when things are great in our lives.

If you're new to church or if it’s just been awhile since you’ve shown up in person, look for ways to get plugged in by connect with church leaders. One of the best things about going to church is that it's a place where you can connect with other people and enjoy discipleship opportunities such as small groups where friends can encourage one another along life’s journey together while learning more about Scripture itself.

Monday, September 12, 2022 2:13 PM

Value & Purpose

Monday, September 12, 2022 2:13 PM
Monday, September 12, 2022 2:13 PM

If you ever wonder whether you matter or whether God sees you, the answer is definitively found in Psalm 139:13-16. While it may be easy to breeze through this scripture because, as Christians, we’ve seen and heard this time and again, let’s pause and be reminded of the deep meaning within the words. You matter and the Creator of All sees you and knows you better than you know yourself. 

Let’s take a look…

For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them.  Psalm 139:13-16

For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb…

God formed every single aspect of our being. Everything inside us was formed by His hands with precision.

God combined every aspect of our being to form us into a person in His image. From our internal organs to our skin and hair, using the female womb, he knit us into being.

I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made…

It should be our joy and blessing to praise and worship God for making us to fear Him and for making us wonderfully in His image. He made us for His purpose and His glory.

Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well…

We have an innate awareness of God’s creativity and perfection in the way He created our bodies. Our organs work in harmony, our brains make connections for us, and our souls are created just for Him.

My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth…

We are reminded that from the dust of earth we gained our humanity and only God could have constructed us from mere particles. Even though the moment of our conception is not known, God saw because He made us. 

Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them.

God saw us and knew us before our conception. He knew who we would be, He knew when we would come into being, and He knew the purpose He had for us before we ever took our first breath. 

Hallelujah! It is our prayer that after considering this Psalm more deeply that you feel a renewed closeness to your Heavenly Father. His very breath is in your lungs. He made us to bless Him, yet His blessings overflow into us. How much easier is it to understand the importance of sharing the Gospel when you realize how much every single one of us means to the One who made us? 

May you be blessed and renewed for the sake of Jesus.

Monday, April 18, 2022 4:20 PM

Pray for Pregnancy Centers

Monday, April 18, 2022 4:20 PM
Monday, April 18, 2022 4:20 PM

The boots on the ground, the turning wheels, the ones on the front lines…these are the Pregnancy Center teams who show up every day for women and their babies. You likely have not seen what goes on in the day-to-day operations of a pregnancy center. The hope that fills them is palpable. Expectation that God will move is clear. Being a pregnancy center worker is not for the faint of heart. These individuals have passion, grit, and commitment that compels them to show up every day knowing that they can make a difference in the life of a woman in need.

While pregnancy centers are a place of acceptance, a place where women can learn about their pregnancy, about help available in the community, and encouragement for choosing life, there are many who want her to believe otherwise. There are many who paint pregnancy centers in a light of confusion and deception.

It's not enough for pro-abortion-minded people to fight to maintain legal abortions for women and to further "the my body my choice" argument. They want to destroy everything that has to do with encouraging and empowering women to receive support and have conversations with people who have their well-being in mind. They say we fear what we don't understand and it would seem there are so many who don't understand that an unplanned pregnancy is not the end of the world. The commitment of pro-abortion and pro-choice people to ensure that women have the opportunity to kill their unborn children is quite honestly impressive. They will pay millions of dollars, they will bribe, they will use their power to influence lawmakers, and they will incite violence outside of pregnancy centers and abortion clinics.

What's even more impressive to us, is that no matter what type of negativity that comes against pregnancy centers and pro-lifers, we remain peaceful, we remain prayerful, and we bootstrap and crowdfund and roll up our sleeves to work together for the sake of mothers and innocent babies.

This is why we must remain vigilant in our prayers for pregnancy centers. Pregnancy centers don't receive millions of dollars in donations, they don't receive the support of lawmakers, no one is steadfastly defending them in their day-to-day operations. Please pray unceasingly for pregnancy centers to receive the funding, the security, and the people in the right places so that they can be successful in saving lives. Let their success also be found in the beacon of light that they are for women who need them. 

“But blessed are those who trust in the Lord and have made the Lord their hope and confidence. They are like trees planted along a riverbank, with roots that reach deep into the water. Such trees are not bothered by the heat or worried by long months of drought. Their leaves stay green, and they never stop producing fruit.” - Jeremiah 17:7-8

Monday, April 18, 2022 4:17 PM

Pray for Abortionists

Monday, April 18, 2022 4:17 PM
Monday, April 18, 2022 4:17 PM

For pro-life organizations, our enemies would be the abortionists at the multiple abortion clinics and Planned Parenthood clinics across the country. Our enemies would be the people who donate money to these organizations to help them provide more abortions to women facing an unplanned pregnancy. Typically, we are conditioned to distance ourselves from our enemies and we want to see them fail. While this is true we also understand the need to pray for our enemies because the only way our enemies will change is by the power of Jesus who can change hearts and minds.

We are blessed to be part of the pro-life community that follows the work that we do to help women facing an unplanned pregnancy in their time of need. we are grateful that we can call on you for your prayers for your donations for your support of ICU Mobile as a pro-life organization. We know that when you pray for us you're also praying for the women that we see, you're praying for the babies whose lives can be saved, you're praying for the teams of people on the mobile units, the volunteers, and the administrative teams who make it possible to help women.

Now, we ask that you also pray for the abortionists. Pray that they will encounter the Holy Spirit. Pray they will be moved by something, someone or a situation that will make them see the humanity of the lives that they destroy. Pray that they would completely turn away from what they think they know, pray that they will turn away from the industry that brings them their very livelihood. Pray that they would join the pro-life movement to help educate about the danger of abortion for women, the reality of life that is lost, and the pain of loss at a woman endures when her baby is gone. Pray that they would be moved to bring attention to the abortion industry as a whole and that they would feel empowered to create a new livelihood by saving lives instead of taking them.

Does this seem overwhelming? Does this seem impractical? Does this seem impossible? We understand why you would feel that way. But we also know the truth. The truth of our powerful Savior who has never been overwhelmed and who is capable of doing things that we can only imagine or pray for. When God is for us, who can be against us?

We are asking you to add every abortionist to your prayer list. Pray the big and mighty prayers that only God can answer. Ask him to do the impossible in our eyes because through him anything is possible. When it seems too big or too difficult or too unlikely, take it to God and watch him work. 

“You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy. But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in heaven.” - Matthew 5:43-45

Thursday, February 10, 2022 3:56 PM

God's Servants are Listening

Thursday, February 10, 2022 3:56 PM
Thursday, February 10, 2022 3:56 PM

“For who is God, but the Lord? And who is a rock, except our God?" 

2 Samuel 22:32

Samuel, a prophet and a judge in Israel, was uniquely called by God, even when he did not yet know the Lord. As we look to the first time the Lord called out to Samuel, he was lying down, resting, and he began hearing a voice calling out to him. Samuel thought it was Eli, and would present himself to Eli, saying “Here I am.” Yet Eli informed him that he was not calling for him. Samuel would then go back to lie down again, and would hear again, a voice calling him. Remember, Samuel did not yet know the voice of the Lord so he continued to think it was Eli who was calling him. By the third time of the Lord calling for Samuel, and Samuel going to Eli to ask what he needed from him, it was then that Eli instructed Samuel that it was the Lord calling him. Eli informed Samuel on how to respond to the Lord’s calling. So, Samuel went back to lie down again, and when he heard yet again the Lord calling for him, Samuel was able to reply with “Speak, for your servant is listening.”

Isn't this story so relatable? How many times have we ignored the voice of the Lord, for the simple fact that we were not in tune with Him. Sometimes, we can miss the Lord’s voice if we are not making ourselves accessible and available to Him, through prayer and meditation. Life can become so busy, and full of distractions, that we can easily neglect our prayer-life, and neglect spending time with the Lord, listening for what He wants to say to us.

Clearly, Samuel made himself available after learning the voice of the Lord, and was able to fulfill his calling and purpose that God had set out before him. Samuel became a prophet and a judge in Israel, and that would not have come to pass if Samuel 

continued living from a place of disbelief, and ignorance of the Lord. Samuel chose to recognize God’s calling as that of clear direction, and command. Samuel chose to lean into all that God had for him, and turned his attention to the Lord’s direction. 

God is our rock… unchanging, steadfast, consistent. The Lord never gave up on Samuel! He never changed His calling over him, He was steadfast in His approach to Samuel, and He was consistent about calling out to Samuel until He had his attention. 

The Lord is so patient with us, isn't He? He will not give up on us, and He will continue to gently press in until we hear Him, and obey. God is the rock above all else - providing strength in our weakness, stability in our insecurity, and clarity in our confusion. The strength of the Lord is like nothing else. When we are weak, He is strong, and He is there to fight for us. When we are feeling insecure, He is our stability where we find our very identity, which all security stems from. When we are confused by the world’s messages, He is our clarity, giving us a defined, clear direction that leads us and the world back to Him. If we simply offer ourselves as servants, like Samuel did, we will be able to confidently call the Lord our rock, and respond to God’s calling over our lives just like Samuel did, with a response of “Speak, Lord, for Your servant is listening.” 

Thursday, February 10, 2022 3:53 PM

Saved From My Enemies

Thursday, February 10, 2022 3:53 PM
Thursday, February 10, 2022 3:53 PM
My God, my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield, and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold and my refuge, my savior; you save me from violence. I call upon the Lord, who is worthy to be praised, and I am saved from my enemies. - 2 Samuel 22:3-4


God revealed this scripture as we considered the impact of Human Trafficking around the world. In America, it is, tragically, the central theme of the biggest stories coming out of the news today. It will continue to be revealed and the oppressors will face justice for their victims. 

Our modern-day enemies are many with the top ringleaders of human trafficking being some of the most dangerous for every single human being. Women and young girls, men and young boys, even the unborn are at risk. Women are forced into abortions and those that aren’t…well, their babies become the next generation of victims hidden from the world. 

For every care and concern, God has a promise. For every care and concern, let’s remember to turn to His word to learn what He says about it and how we should respond. Scripture clearly shows us that God saves us from violence and He saves us from our enemies. He acts through the people He has equipped on Earth to find and save His children. He saves through heart changes and through whispers in ears that are open to hearing His voice. 

It’s an unbearable thought and because of that, it’s easier to turn away than face it, fight it, and defeat it. In 2 Samuel 22:3-4, we are reminded that God fights every battle on our behalf. The unseen and unheard victims, the unborn babies, the parents desperately waiting for word from their missing children can all seek shelter under the shield of God’s refuge. Let all of us send up this scripture as a prayer on behalf of those being held hostage. Never cease praying for the innocent. 

This scripture refers to “the horn of my salvation” which is the victory of salvation. No enemy can take away the victory of salvation found in the Lord. He will save every single innocent life from the violence and oppression of their captors. He will do what He says. 

Victory may not come immediately in physical form, but it is immediate for our souls and it is ours for eternity. Let that not be lost on us when we consider the plight of the present, urgent need to physically save these innocent victims and return them home to their families where they can begin to heal. 

Let’s not rest our trust in God the way we do in man, with caution and disbelief that he will keep his word. God is the Great Overcomer showing time and again His strength, His power over evil, His steadfast love for His children, and His unwavering dedication to our salvation. He gave His son so we wouldn’t have to give up our sons and daughters. Pray your prayer with this scripture to end human trafficking and end violence and death upon our children. 

Holy Dwelling
Friday, December 17, 2021 10:20 AM

Holy Dwelling

Friday, December 17, 2021 10:20 AM
Friday, December 17, 2021 10:20 AM

A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling. - Psalm 68:5


God, in His holy dwelling, is displayed best when we, His beloved children, call Him Father. In His holy dwelling, God sees and loves widows, defending their status. Such comfort from this brief scripture, that during our modern-day concerns over single mothers and women abandoned due to illness, viruses, and diseases, God is present and active.

When a man chooses to walk away from the mother of his child and deny the baby, God is there. In the midst of the many ways pain and suffering can occur with the absence of a father, the promise held in this scripture is a source of peace. We’ve seen time and time again women find comfort when we share the Gospel and they realize that their Heavenly Father is her most reliable source of acceptance is a God who is always with her and loves her unconditionally. 

When we recognize that although some of us may not have an earthly father, we all have our Heavenly Father. He is our good, good Father; He is always emotionally available to us, and He will never leave us or forsake us. God, in His holy dwelling, lifts His countenance and gives peace to His children.  

We can honor God for His role as our Father by cultivating a relationship with Him. In the ideal father/child relationship, a father protects us and teaches us. A father gives us the freedom to make mistakes and picks us up when we fall. He encourages us to keep moving forward and become independent while knowing that he’s always there for us. God never fails at this kind of relationship. 

May this be the prayer that is spoken over every person who experiences a fatherless walk of life. A prayer of hope, and of the everlasting love that is poured out by our one true Heavenly Father, who sees us and hears our cry. A prayer of gratitude that we can choose a Father that guides, instructs, loves, and finds deep joy in each of us. 

One Yes
Friday, December 17, 2021 10:15 AM

One Yes

Friday, December 17, 2021 10:15 AM
Friday, December 17, 2021 10:15 AM

Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?”

And I said, “Here am I. Send me!”

He said, “Go and tell this people:

‘Keep on listening, but do not perceive; Keep on looking, but do not understand.’ 

- Isaiah 6:8-9


Deep gratitude for the miracle of healing compelled Isaiah to say “Send me!” He was a prophet who predicted the impending birth of Jesus, our Savior. He was dedicated to the Lord and would volunteer to be the one to go out and send a message from God that would expose the rebellious nature of his nation. 

It seems counterintuitive, doesn’t it? God wants Isaiah to tell the people to listen, but not realize the truth, to look for signs of God, but avoid understanding. When Isaiah went out to tell the nation of God while also telling them to refuse understanding of Him, he would experience the very path Jesus would walk. He would gain an appreciation of the challenges God himself faces. 

In essence, it was a warning that Isaiah would deliver to the people. Because of their rebellious nature, their demise would be their own doing because they would not believe in God’s ability to cleanse them, heal them, and bless them. 

Praise God for the Bible! We’ve received the Word of the Lord and we don’t have to make the same mistakes. Of course, we all have a rebellious nature to some extent, but we know from the ones who have gone before us that God is for us and He made an unimaginable sacrifice for our souls. 

In the modern-day version of Isaiah’s plight, we have volunteered to go. We have answered the call to protect the unborn, saying “Send me!” and we have gone and continue to go. We share the good news of Jesus knowing that some will listen and ignore, some will look for a different, earthly kind of savior, and some will say “yes” to the living God who saves. One yes is worth the response to our calling.

In what areas of God’s calling on your life are you responding with “Here I am! Send me!”?

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