Recently, lawmakers in states like Florida and South Dakota have filed legislation that bans abortions based on a diagnosis of Down Syndrome during pregnancy.
It’s almost unbelievable that, in this decade, doctors continue to offer and encourage abortions to women when a fetal test reveals Down Syndrome in their preborn baby. Our country is filled with messages - to the point of demand - that all people be treated with equality and inclusivity, celebrating the diversity that makes us all a unique contributor to the landscape of America. Except, that only applies to certain groups and politicized categories of humanity. It is not equally applied to people with disabilities, developmental or acquired, seemingly because there isn’t enough adversity associated with them.
Rates of abortion of babies diagnosed with Down Syndrome have heightened since a woman’s physician offers it as a solution to a problem. Even though the woman’s health isn’t at risk, it seems these doctors recommend abortion under the lie that it would save her from hardship or that it is the humane thing to do so that their child wouldn’t have to live a life of difficulty.
The truth is, that no one knows what life holds. A woman can be married and have a healthy baby and that baby could end up with a life-threatening illness later or an accident could happen. We would never consider disposing of a life that unexpectedly became altered, injured, or disabled.
Most families with a Down Syndrome child would tell you what a blessing they have been to their family. How they have helped them see what truly matters in life and that positivity changes everything. We’re so grateful for lawmakers who are finally answering the call to protect the lives of people who bring a diversity to our world who create for us a renewed way of viewing the world and the people in it. Doesn’t true diversity mean inclusivity for all? We believe so.
What then, brothers? When you come together, each one has a hymn, a lesson, a revelation, a tongue, or an interpretation. Let all things be done for building up. - 1 Cor. 14:26
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Published on Wednesday, March 10, 2021 @ 6:16 PM EDT