It's not easy to be pro-life. It's also not easy to be a woman with an unexpected pregnancy. There are myriad situations that can make it difficult to justify having a baby that wasn't planned.
Put yourself in her shoes for a moment. She just finished her first semester of college, she has a full-ride scholarship, she has a demanding schedule, and her boyfriend isn't exactly her boyfriend. He's simply a guy she’s been hanging out with for a couple weeks.
In her shoes, she's married to an abusive man with a drinking problem and no job. she has three kids already, and she isn't making ends meet so she’s paying for groceries with a credit card.
In her shoes, she's two years into her incredible career, living her dream life, and she never wanted to have children after enduring a childhood of neglect and feeling like she was never good enough. She's finally feeling good about her life, and herself for that matter, and this is the one thing that will ruin everything.
In your shoes, you probably dealt with hardships in life, but for reasons only you know, you were able to overcome and conquer the things that blocked your path to happiness and success in a healthy way. The difference between you and her could be one thing and it could be many things. What she needs right now in this moment, is to see or hear a message that moves her from desperation to hope. You see, some of us have an innate ability to understand that hope is available in any situation. Some of us have people we trust that we can tell our deepest secrets to or who will give us sound advice in a time of uncertainty. She may or may not have people or hope, and, if she does sometimes they're not enough.
You see, she's getting messages that are loud and empowering that remind her that she is a woman who can do anything, no one can tell her what to do, she can make her own choices.
This is the very reason we go out with a big, mobile ultrasound unit to meet her where she is, to speak hope into her, and to empower her and remind her that she is a woman who can do anything, that no one can tell her what to do, and she can make her own choices.
Nothing speaks louder to a woman than the image of the baby inside her, the sound of the heartbeat that signifies life, and the truth of the Gospel of Jesus that gives her immediate hope and freedom from desperation.
“Behold, we consider those blessed who remained steadfast. You have heard of the steadfastness of Job, and you have seen the purpose of the Lord, how the Lord is compassionate and merciful.” - James 5:11
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Published on Monday, May 17, 2021 @ 12:40 PM EDT