Beyond The RV
We often hear that our mobile units were an interesting choice in creating a ministry that will provide medical level services to women in need. They can seem daunting. We get that. But putting ultrasound clinics on wheels gives us the opportunity and freedom to go where we are needed. We don’t have to sit in one place and wait for women to find us.
Our purpose in being mobile is to create accessibility. Offer an open door on any corner. Share hope in neighborhoods that seemingly have none.
It is our goal that pregnancy care be easier for women to access than abortion centers. It is our prayer that, wherever an ICU Mobile RV is parked, it’s right in the path of a woman who is ready to meet her baby for the first time and make a choice for life. By creating these mobile units, we are able to provide a crucial first look at the new life a mother has inside of her and guide her to resources and care right in her community that will be with her throughout her pregnancy.
When we visit a variety of neighborhoods, we also expand our ability to share the good news of Jesus Christ. Oftentimes, communities can become silos for the unchurched or religious affiliations that don’t base their beliefs on the one true God. We can reach more for the glory of God when we travel outside our usual zones. Outside our comfort zones, outside our zip codes, outside our mindsets. Turning wheels give birth to fresh eyes and open hearts to see and hear and truly understand the situation of each woman we interact with. They’re all unique. Every single one of them deserves access to the medical level ultrasound care we provide and even more so, they deserve access to the Savior.
“Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.”
– Arthur Ashe
Published on Wednesday, January 16, 2019 @ 4:44 PM EDT