Pro-life is a word that can be misunderstood, especially by those who are not Christian. It's essential to understand what pro-life means before we’re able to share why we are pro-life or what it means to be pro-life.
Is it enough to simply say you're against abortion? It takes a certain level of bravery for some people to say they’re against abortion. The immediate assumption is that if you’re pro-life you are against women having freedom to control their bodies, so the answer is “no.” We must be against abortion and for the empowerment of women. The answer is a woman’s greatest power lies in her ability to form another human being inside her and to give birth to that child. It’s both power and humanity at its best.
What does that call us to do as Christians? We have a responsibility to be bold enough to tell others that the power of God is greater than fear. The people most affected by abortion, those who will be living with its consequences for their entire lives, are women who receive messages from all sides about what they should do. Being the pro-life generation means wanting nothing more than loving women at their most significant time of need and empowering them to refuse a life of regret and trauma.
What does that mean for our lives and how we live them out every day? The pro-life movement is about love. Love for the unborn child who has no voice and cannot speak up for themselves. Love for each woman who needs support. When we protect life from conception to natural death, we love our neighbor as ourselves. We are saying that all lives have worth and deserve protection. We must speak up and be that voice in daily interaction, not just on the sidewalk outside of the abortion clinic. We must give financial support to organizations doing the work. We must be aware of our tone when we talk about abortion so that we speak from a place of love rather than judgment.
None of us are here by accident. Our existence has been planned, created, and ordained by our one true God. Scripture abounds with proof of this concept and it is essential we speak the truth of the Gospel. The pro-life generation wants to create a culture where every human being can thrive in dignity and respect because all life matters!
“The Spirit of God has made me, and the breath of the Almighty gives me life.” - Job 33:4
If you're interested in joining us as we share the good news of Jesus Christ with those who need Him most, please give generously to our Loving Life Initiative as we work to bring more mobile ministries to communities where we can help more women meet Christ and in turn save the lives of countless unborn babies. https://www.icumobile.org/loving-life-initiative
Published on Wednesday, August 18, 2021 @ 12:50 PM EDT