A lot can happen in 3 days. A woman can visit an ICU Mobile unit and still leave planning to follow through with her abortion. As we continue to pray for her and she recalls our words and our prayers, she begins to change her mind as the Holy Spirit works through the Lord’s truth and love that we shared with her. We see these miracles all the time, just like we saw unexpected hope and new life in Christ.
Anytime a woman leaves an ICU Mobile unit without having changed her mind for life or Christ, as a team we can choose to feel despair or be faithful in hope. Because we were given new life in Christ, we carry new perspectives that allow us to trust in God’s faithfulness. Though she may not make a decision right then and there, we know that the Holy Spirit is always working. God doesn’t give a spirit of fear and yet, the enemy works within women to see their unplanned pregnancy as a fearful, desperate situation.
Think of Mary on that fateful Friday as she watched her son, Jesus, being raised up on the cross. His suffering was a mother’s worst nightmare. Helpless, she could only watch as her son was tortured and eventually died a slow death in front of many others who did nothing to help him. Can you imagine the fear and desperation she felt? He had raised the dead to life, but now he was dead. Gone. There was no hope of someone coming to his rescue to demand that he fill his lungs with breath.
He was placed in a tomb despite his promises to return, he was drained of life even though he said he was going to prepare a place for all of us. What a difficult time to feel any sense of hope for the future. And then, the third day changed everything and every one.
The people were unaware of anything but the death of Jesus. Once he was sealed away in that tomb, there was nothing left. No hope, no expectation, no vision of a new day. Yet, all it took was one look into the empty tomb for hearts to rise up in hope. The select few who were able to see Jesus before he ascended to Heaven were rapt with exultation knowing that their Lord truly was alive, breathing, and fulfilling His promises.
Can you see the parallels between Mary, mother of Jesus, and the women who face an unexpected pregnancy? A pregnancy test reveals the coming of something unknown that instills fear, desperation, and uncertainty. But then, through ultrasound, she sees her child. Alive, receiving sustenance from her very body, and that life allows hope to begin. She may walk away from us undecided, but the Holy Spirit has begun a work in her and we are faithful that He will lead her well. How blessed are we to know hope and to have the leading of the Holy Spirit in our lives!
And Mary said, “My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for he has looked on the humble estate of his servant. For behold, from now on all generations will call me blessed; for he who is mighty has done great things for me, and holy is his name. And his mercy is for those who fear him from generation to generation. - Luke 1:46-55
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Published on Tuesday, March 30, 2021 @ 10:03 PM EDT