Your Home is Your Mission Field
Tuesday, September 1, 2020 8:35 PM

Your Home is Your Mission Field

Tuesday, September 1, 2020 8:35 PM
Tuesday, September 1, 2020 8:35 PM

Missions are important. Wherever in the world they take you, missions are ways we carry out our call to be the hands and feet of God. Our mission carries us out into the communities of cities across America where women face an unexpected pregnancy and believe that their only option is abortion. We take this call seriously and we will be consistent and relentless in our efforts as long as God continues to call us to this purpose.

One thing we know is that first our missions begin in our homes. If we do not first witness to our children, our spouses, our neighbors, we are missing the opportunity God put in front of us as the easiest and lowest hanging fruit. Not that it’s meant to be an easy catch but that if we neglect our family in sharing the gospel the rest will be for naught. You see, when we start in our own home field, we work with God to create a foundation and a safe place built on His love and His word. This means everything else we do is based on His truth. When we start each day from a point of truth - our home field - everything else we do upon departing from our home mission field is a natural extension of the foundation we’ve built. There can be no stronger calling than the one that is built on layers and layers of missions that eventually take us out into the world where God has planned for us. 

But you’ve never been to the inner city, or Haiti, or Asia. It seems like everyone around you has gone on the God-ordained mission to serve people in need in other countries and other environments that have seen more difficulties than your own home field. Nonetheless, if God calls you no further than your front yard, then that is where He means for you to serve. 

Not everyone is called to serve abroad. We must be obedient to God’s calling on our life, whatever and wherever that may be. And knowing that those callings can change in a moment’s time we must be agile and willing. If God has called you to minister on home field and that seems confusing to you, prayerfully consider which areas He might be calling you to step out of home base. Is He calling you to step out with your finances, with your prayer life, with mentoring? Stepping onto the mission field isn’t about setting foot on foreign land, it’s about doing the things God has revealed for you with joy and faith and trust that His mission for you is perfect and in His perfect will for you.  

“For a wide door for effective work has opened to me, and there are many adversaries.” - 1 Corinthians 16:9


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